*Friday 9am session has no vacancies, all other sessions have spots available.
KinderGym cater for 0 – 5 year olds that are not attending school.
Insurance - $50.00 annual fee per child
Full Term Fee - $65.00 per child
Casual Fee - $10 per class per child
To join any of our KinderGym classes please head to our KinderGym facebook page: Kindergym - Riverland Gymnastics Academy and send us a message, one of our leaders will get in contact with you from there. Your 1st session is a free ‘come and try’ session to make sure it is what you and your child are looking for. You will be able to register and gather any additional information whilst there.
Within our KinderGym program we offer a specific program called ‘Pre Gym’ for our 4 – 5 year old children to participate in. This helps children who are a little more adventurous, extend into a more structured apparatus and class-based learning, preparing them for when they graduate into gymnastics.
Our Gymnastics Australia Accredited KinderGym coaches Karen Baxter (Gym SA KinderGym Leader of the Year for 2013 and 2017) and Michael Herrmann both hold current WWCC as well as specific KinderGym coaching accreditations.
For any additional information or enquires please contact Karen on ph: 0418 810 940.
For more information on the KinderGym program in South Australia, visit the website
KinderGym is Gymnastics Australia's movement-based learning experience for young children and their parents or caregivers.
Children need as many opportunities as possible to optimise brain development and increase physical potential before they go to school. KinderGym provides a safe environment for children to develop physical skills in a fun and playful way, at their own rate. Educational research tells us that children learn best through exploring and discovering their abilities through physical activity. Gymnastics Australia's KinderGym program offers children a LaunchPad into fundamental movement; ensuring they can experience a wide range of movement activities and be encouraged to think, create, construct and solve problems with their own bodies. While developing co-ordination and self-esteem, KinderGym programs assist in your child's physical, social and cognitive development. The KinderGym program is the first in a series of fundamental movement programs offered by Gymnastics Australia's initiative, LaunchPad.
Gymnastics Australia's KinderGym program has been founded on child development principles and is steered by the KinderGym Guiding Principles. An Accredited KinderGym Leader guides each program, ensuring that the equipment set-ups are safe, stimulating and provide endless movement opportunities for your child to play and learn. KinderGym promotes the child as the key focal point and involves active participation of the child's mother, father or carer who also benefit from sharing in their children's fun and enjoyment. KinderGym allows parents to share rather than direct, allowing for real benefits from their child's self-initiated play. Parents may also be interested in becoming KinderGym Leaders and can find more information in the coaching pages.
The LaunchPad Kinder GymMix manual supports the KinderGym philosophy and covers a vast range of information and activities to help inspire KinderGym coaches and teachers.
Gymnastics Australia provides a KinderGym Passport, an exclusive program benefit for each participant, to clubs who are endorsed as KinderGym providers. The passports are distributed at the start of each year based on the number of KinderGym registrations from the previous year. Clubs who exceed registrations in the program can request additional copies from Gymnastics Australia.